Looking for a fast, pain-free laser hair removal solution that provides
permanent results on all skin types for men and women?
Whether you have dark, light, thick or thin skin tone, dark, light, thick or thin hair, Vixen® Spa laser hair removal has the most ideal solution for you. Our laser emits a gentle pulses of energy that pass through the skin and into the hair follicle. The follicle absorbs the energy and permanently prevents hair growth resulting in smooth hairless skin.

When laser hair removal procedures are done the correct skin type must be determined for safety and positive results. Skin types are categorized in 6 types, ranging from Type 1 – Type 6. Type 1 being light, pale white; always burns; never tans and Type 6 being, dark, very dark brown; does not burn; always tans.
At Vixen® Spa we use the best advanced patented laser technology in the market. Our laser removal system is the only one that offers The Skintel® Melanin Reader, it is used to measure the skins melanin index at each treatment. This index is used to determine precisely tailored settings for each client. This automation ensures your safety and optimal results for each hair removal treatment.
*No other laser removal system can offer this level of protection and quality for all skin types.

Why Vixen® Laser?

Pain-Free Experience

Best Laser Technology

Safe & Effective

Results That Last
Vixen® laser hair removal before & after 1 treatment
- No tanning of any form, including tanning beds and/or self-tanners, for at least 3 week prior to your appointment. Avoid extreme sun exposure for at least 3 weeks prior to your treatment. Failure to do so may cause scarring and/or hyper pigmentation.
- The treatment area needs to be shaved to skin level, although a day’s hair growth may be necessary and helpful so that the area that requires treatment is easily recognizable.
- For best results avoid waxing, plucking, threading or electrolyses of the hair for 4 weeks prior to treatment. The laser needs the hair at skin level in order to effectively penetrate the hair follicle.
- Be sure that the treatment area is fully washed off and has no makeup, medication etc.
- Be certain that you are not on medications such as Accutane, Retin-A, Gold Therapy etc, at present or within the past 6 months. These medications, and several others, can make your skin susceptible to damage from the laser. If in doubt, please ask us for a list of the aforementioned medications.
- Laser treatments for hair are not recommended if you are pregnant.
Have more questions? Feel free to contact us.
- Avoid bathing or washing with very hot water, use tepid water. Wash gently. Keep the area clean.
- If there is redness and discomfort use Aloe Vera gel within the first 2 hours of treatment. We have it in store!
- Avoid deodorant and/or makeup for 24 hours if underarms and/or face were treated.
- Do not shave the treated area for at least 4 days after treatment.
- Avoid any irritating medications or chemicals. Examples of these are Retin-A, Benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid or astringents.
- Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 3 weeks after treatment. Protect the area with a sunscreen of higher than 30 SPF to prevent hyper-pigmentation/hypo-pigmentation marks.
- Do not wax, pluck, thread or use depilatories for the hair that grows back.
- Results vary after laser treatments, hair may continue to grow. Typically this will occur for about 2-3 weeks and then that treated hair will simply to fall out.
Have more questions? Feel free to contact us.
Vixen® Laser Hair Removal FAQ’s
Laser hair removal is designed to achieve permanent hair removal, but in a few cases when the follicle is not completely destroyed or when the hair growth cycle is not timed properly, the hair may grow back. In that case, the area can be retreated for permanent results.
Hair from the face, upper lip, chin, neck, back, chest, shoulders, arms, underarms, hands, legs, feet, buttocks and all bikini areas can be treated.
Results vary from client to client, expect to see a huge decrease in the hair thickness and in the amount of hair present.
Treatments are extremely quick and depending on the size of the area, can be done in just minutes. We have the best equipment to treat small areas and large areas making your appointments quick and effective.
As our certified estheticians guide the laser handpiece over the treatment area you will feel cooling on the skin. This contact cooling will maximize your comfort during the treatment, making it a very tolerable experience.
Most people see results in the texture and amount of hair in just one procedure, but usually 4 – 6 treatments are needed to achieve a permanent reduction in hair, especially in large treatment areas. That’s because hair grows in cycles, and the hair and follicle must be treated at specific points during that growth cycle in order for the laser to be effective.
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy
- Diseases which may be stimulated by light
- Cancer; particularly skin cancer
- Epilepsy
- Use of photosensitive medication/herbs
- Active infection of Herpes Simplex in the intended area
- History of Keloid Scarring
- Active skin diseases in the intended area (ex. Psoriasis)
We can easily work around your tattoo if possible. A tattoo is created by permanently inserting high concentrations of pigment into the uppermost layer of skin. The high concentration of pigment will absorb laser light, causing discomfort and lighten your tattoo. Remember, lasers are also used for tattoo removal.
Laser hair removal is recovery free, you may return to your regular activities immediately following the treatment, although redness around the follicle could be expected 24 hours following the procedure. To avoid discomfort 24 hours following the treatment avoid strenuous activities that would make you sweat.