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In our Vixen spotlight, we are proud to introduce Jessica L.

Jessica is an experienced esthetician that is an expert in all spa esthetic services we provide.  Over the years she has established herself one of the city’s top estheticians in both Milton and Mississauga.

Nickname:  Jess

Position:  Spa Supervisor/Esthetician

Vixen Location: Vixen Mississauga

Education: Sheridan College Esthetics Graduate

Why did you choose to be a Vixen?

I chose to be a Vixen® for a couple of reasons. It was a company that stood for strong, independent beautiful women that made other women feel amazing through providing esthetic services. I get such fulfillment making other women feel better about themselves, whether by giving them manicures or giving them beautiful skin with one of our facials. Being a Vixen lets me do these things on a regular basis and provide services that I love to do!

What is your favourite spa service to perform?

My favourite service to perform would definitely be manicures. Whether it’s one of our Classic Manicures or our Shellac Manicures, I love seeing the joy on women’s faces when they see the full potential of how beautiful their nails can be and that there are no nails that with a little TLC, can’t be saved!

What guidance or tips would you give clients about your favourite spa service?

My biggest tip in regards to manicures would be, always remember your cuticle oil! It’s a must have for all women, to grow beautiful healthy strong nails! It penetrates better than any hand creams and elongates the life of your mani! (I suggest our CND solar oil, its the best product out there and you’ll see a nail transformation in very little time)

Your favourite nail polish colour is?

Hands down; Fedora by CND shellac

What is your dream travel destination?

I have always dreamed of going to Italy, experiencing the culture, eating great food and learning more about my heritage.

What is your prize possession?

Most of the girls at Vixen® and my clients will know the answer to this one is my dog Ziggy. I am a HUGE animal lover and my dog means the absolute world to me! He’s an english bulldog/sharpei mix and he is by far my prized possession.

What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

I would pick up the phone call my boyfriend/parents and brother, probably cry tears of joy for a good while and then tell them I’ve bought them houses, cars and a vacation. I would give back to them all of the amazing things that they have given me, and of course, go on the biggest shopping spree of my life!

What simple things that make you smile?

Hmm, where to begin…
1. Having clients tell me how amazing I have made them feel through my esthetic services
2.Teaching our newer Vixens skills/tricks
3.Coming home to my dog waiting by the door for me
4. I get total joy out of baking! There is nothing better than the smell of fresh baked goodies!

Book with Jessica Today

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